The Noble Pen for Oct 13, 2011

Next Noble Pen Meeting

Oct 13th, 2011  7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


Welcome to Jen, who joined us this past week and brings a background in marketing and web design to her writing.

Welcome to Chila  (pronounced like Sheila) who is editor-in-chief of a local small publisher and interested in branching out to writing fiction.


Shanna got an A on a paper for Composition class.  Her next paper will be about life in England.

Bob figures he is 90% complete with a short story.  Of course we know that 90% of the work is done in 90% of the time, and the other 10 % takes another 90% of the time.

Dylan posted a short story and got lots of feedback.  It’s nice to know you aren’t sending things into a vacuum.


Many sources say that you should not be too critical of your first attempts to get something on paper (or on hard disk), but then edit it mercilessly.

Every writer I know has trouble writing.  ~Joseph Heller

The best time for planning a book is while you’re doing the dishes.  ~Agatha Christie

Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.  The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.  ~Sylvia Plath

The wastebasket is a writer’s best friend.  ~Isaac Bashevis Singer

I’m not a very good writer, but I’m an excellent rewriter.  ~James Michener

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October 13 th


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