Monthly Archives: April 2010

The Chantilly Laced Noble Pen Newsletter, April 29th, 2010

Noble Pen Meeting

April 29th, 2010
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

“Empire” had the better ending. Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader is his father, uh, Han gets frozen, taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that’s what life is, a series of down endings. All “Jedi” had was a bunch of Muppets.
-Dante, Clerks

While Miss Tarabotti was a proper English young lady, aside from not having a soul and being half Italian, she did spend quite a bit more time than most other young ladies riding and walking and was therefore unexpectedly strong.
– Gail Carriger, Soulless


Nick is still looking for a good editor for his western. I am still looking for a TARDIS or at least a balloon.

Lena was asked by the Linn-newsletter to write a story about her trip. Her dog will be writing a rebuttal.


IO9 looks at the worst Science Fiction and Fantasy book covers. I particularly like Conquest of the Amazon.

Authors talk trash.

Upcoming Schedule

Thursday, April 29th, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Ten FOTS

Round Table – Introspection, Paragraph Structure

Thursday, May 6th, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Eleven FOTS

Shannon – Chapter Five Solomon’s Heist

Thursday, May 13th, Happy Chef.

Nick – Tripple S, Chapter Four

Dave – ????

Thursday, May 20th, Happy Chef.

Shannon – Chapter Six Solomon’s Heist


Keep Writing, Penites.


The Copper-Hued Noble Pen Newsletter, April 22nd, 2010

Noble Pen Meeting

April 22nd, 2010
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

Bill: The only true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing.
Ted: Dude, that’s us!
– Bill and Ted’s Excellant Adventure

We thought something would happen.
We thought something would happen… something…
Rock ‘n Roll was played for the first time in Public Middle School #4. But…
Not a damn thing happened…
– 20th Century Boys


Christine was accepted into the 8-week Iowa Writer’s Workshop summer class with James Alan McPherson, who is not the James McPerson who writes books about the civil war but the James McPherson known for fiction short stories. It is unknown whether he invented the McPherson strut, defined as a stiff but sexy gait and not to be confused with the MacPherson strut, a type of car suspension which uses the axis of a telescopic damper as the upper steering pivot.


In seismic news, a volcano limited New York’s access to the London Book Fair.

Carlisle Cullen is the richest fictional man alive. I guess Scrooge McDuck just doesn’t have the clout he used to.

In a head-scratching mood, The Library of Congress has announced plans to achieve every Twitter message. So soon, the Library of Congress with have a picture of Danny Devito shirtless.

Upcoming Schedule

Thursday, April 22nd, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Eight FOTS

Nick – Triple S Chapter Three

Thursday, April 29th, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Nine FOTS

Round Table – looking for volunteers

Thursday, May 6th, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Ten FOTS

Shannon – Chapter Five Solomon’s Heist

Thursday, May 13th, Happy Chef.

Nick – Tripple S, Chapter Four

Dave – ????


Keep Writing, Penites.


The Lemon-Scented Noble Pen Newsletter, April 15, 2010

Noble Pen Meeting

April 15, 2010
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

Special effects are really just a tool–a means to help tell the story… A special effect without a story is really a boring thing.
– George Lucas

Live every week like it’s Shark Week.
-Tracy Jordan


Dylan submitted a cowboy story to a small press. [Insert your favorite Western double entendre.]


At an Apple event yesterday, Steve Jobs claimed 600,000 books had already been sold for the iPad.

At the Harvard Business School, Peter Olson, formerly of Random House, has an interesting commentary on the state of the industry.

Upcoming Schedule

Thursday, April 15th. Happy Chef.

Shannon – Solomon’s Heist Chapter 3 and 4

Ian – Worksheet 25 -TTL Logic

Thursday, April 22nd, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Eight FOTS

Nick – Triple S Chapter Three

Thursday, April 29th, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Nine FOTS

Round Table – looking for volunteers

Thursday, April 29th, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Ten FOTS

Shannon – Chapter Five Solomon’s Heist


Keep Writing, Penites.


The Original Flavor Noble Pen Newsletter, April 8, 2010

Noble Pen Meeting

April 8, 2010
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always. I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you.
–Henry Rollins


Dylan won first prize in a writing contest. His prize was a scarf and a trip to Tatooine in a ship which can make the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs.

Nick is actively seeking an editor for his new novel. His previous plan of kidnapping a homeless person and making them do the edits didn’t work out, as his kidnap victim was weak with gerundive phrases.


IO9 has a good rundown of the Google Book settlement.

Agent Nathan Bransford has a video on pitching.

Upcoming Schedule

Thursday, April 8th. Happy Chef.

Nick – Tripple S Inc (Formerly OES Inc.) – Chapter 2

Cuiun – Quint’s Adventures

Thursday, April 15th. Happy Chef.

Shannon – Solomon’s Heist Chapter 3 and 4

Ian – Worksheet 25 -TTL Logic

Thursday, April 22nd, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Eight FOTS

Nick – Triple S Chapter Three

Thursday, April 29th, Happy Chef.

Dylan – Chapter Nine FOTS

Open slot – last of the month


Keep Writing, Penites.
