Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Noble Pen for July 5, 2012

Next Noble Pen Meeting

July 5th, 2012 at 7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


Are some genres “better” literature than others?  Read Gary Gutting’s opinion.

Fans of Philip K. Dick may appreciate the story of a lost android with his face and a computer programmed to talk like him.

Werewolf and vampire aficionados may like this interview with the author of The Last Werewolf.

By the way, if you exceed your quota of free articles on the NY Times (or other sites), try deleting the six or eight cookies your browser has saved that are associated with that site.


One of Ian’s students took second place in the national finals of Skills USA.  Ian must write good course material.

Dylan got lots of comments on his serial story.  He got paid for a commission and has another one to write.

Ciuin was asked to write an article for the American Association of Museums on portrayal of Romani, and will present it at the national meeting in November.


It’s time to mention again this good resource on how to begin or advance a writing career.   A large collection of essays deal with the craft, finding ideas, queries, and marketing.

One of those essays tells you why you shouldn’t depend on your spell checker, as useful as it may be at calling your attention to possible problems.   Here’s another such essay.

I don’t know who to credit this to, as it has circulated a lot:

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plain lea marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong or write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose before two long
And eye can put the error rite
It’s rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
am sure your pleased two no
It’s letter prefect all the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

Upcoming Schedule

July 5th


July 12th


July 19th


July 26th

Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Jun 28, 2012

Next Noble Pen Meeting

June 28th, 2012 at 7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


Bookstores in France are not feeling as much ressure from ebooks as in other countries.

Penguin Books has agreed to make its ebooks available in NYC public libraries, reversing an earlier stance.


Tyree is doing more writing lately, as the demands of travel are over for a while.

Kris’s mockup of a book cover was approved, with the restriction that she can’t use real blood like the artist in her novel.

Nick writes that he is in Texas at a rail fan convention.  On a recent day he skipped an uninteresting tour to visit Sommerville, an important junction on the Santa Fe Railroad at one time.  He photographed at least seven trains around that and neighboring towns, and got the numbers of about twenty locomotives by early afternoon.  That counts as a productive day of train spotting.  We hope he finds some time to write while waiting for trains.


To use “that” or not to use “that ?”  That is the question, “which” often bothers us.   Or that is the question that often bothers us.  Journalism professor Malcom Gibson offers these and other editing topics.

He also has one that I’ve never heard discussed: “because of” versus “due to.”  Like I often say, you learn something every day (if you aren’t careful).

“Mike spends at least half an hour every day just sitting there thinking about nothing but the whichness of what.” ~ Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land (and similar quotes in his older stories.)

Upcoming Schedule

June 28th


July 5th


July 12th

Open slot

July 19th

Open slots

Keep Writing,


The Noble Pen for June 21, 2012

Next Noble Pen Meeting

June 21st, 2012 at 7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


Google reached an agreement to settle a dispute over their digitization of books in France.


Dylan finished a 15k word commission at 30k words.  That’s closer than the last one.  He also got another commission.  Unfortunately, Flight was rejected by the big publisher he had hoped would buy it.

Kris gave out beta copies of Oblivion to several readers.  She got paid for cover art for a book.

Ciuin is busily reworking Petty Theft, applying the advice of her teacher.


Writers who get signed to a publisher have a lot of contract terms to understand.  Joe Konrath blogs about some of the gotcha clauses in contracts.

While we’re on legal topics, here’s some discussion for anyone who considers writing fan fiction.

“I wish to be cremated. One tenth of my ashes shall be given to my agent, as written in our contract.” Groucho Marx

Upcoming Schedule

June 21st

Bill (double, since no one asked for 3rd slot)

June 28th

Open slot

July 5th

Bill ?

July 12th

Open slots

Keep Writing,


The Noble Pen for June 14, 2012

Next Noble Pen Meeting

June 14th, 2012 at 7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


Some people are finding they don’t have time to prepare for reviews of multiple large submissions.  Recently, we have considered 5,000 to 10,000 words per submission to be normal.  If two or three of those push the maximum, it becomes a chore to read and comment on 25,000 to 30,000 words.  More so if the material isn’t distributed on the weekend.

After some email feedback and a discussion at the meeting, the consensus seems to be that we should lower that to “about 6000” maximum.  If someone has a 7 to 12k story that really needs to be read all at once, or if we need to fill slots, they can request a double slot on one night for a total of not more than 12,500 words.

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Some people have commented “I didn’t go to the meeting because I couldn’t get all the material read.”  Please don’t let that hold you back.  If you can contribute something, the group has benefited and you may have benefited also.  We don’t give failing grades for not doing everything.

 – – –

Author Ray Bradbury died June 5 at age 91.  He wrote The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451, and many other stories.  His writing career began in 1938 and continued for decades, with his material being made into films through the last few years.


Tyree got a glowing review for Nyx 1 on the Amazon site.  He has worked up a plan for Nyx 4.


For homework this week (held over due to low attendance June 7) read Tyree’s article on What Editors Want and, if possible, watch the movie Medicine Man.   Apply these questions from his list to that movie.

-What are the two main characters’ goals (major or minor) and the obstacles?  For example:
Goal: Crane wants a place to sleep when she arrives
Obstacles: Campbell is intoxicated and doesn’t know her or why she is there

-What are the characteristics (foibles) that make them seem human?
Example: Campbell plays with the children

This kind of analysis can show how to make your story much more interesting for readers.

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More about commas (Thanks, Shannon).

Fanfare for the Comma Man  discusses historical usage, modern trends, and how even the fussiest style guides disagree.

The Most Comma Mistakes shows us what is definitely wrong, no matter which style guide you prefer.

And finally, a slightly risque cartoon, the Comma Sutra.

Upcoming Schedule

June 14th

Educational – see above for homework

June 21st

Open slot

June 28th

Open slots

July 5th

Nick (double slot)
Open slot

Keep Writing,


– – –

The Noble Pen for June 7, 2012

Next Noble Pen Meeting

June 7th, 2012 7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


The controversy over ebook pricing continues.


Lynda survived a frustrating week in her new publishing job without killing anyone.  That’s her story and she’s sticking to it.  Her rebuttal to Stephen Bloom was published by the Atlantic Monthly and is available from their archive.  (Sorry we weren’t timely in linking that.)

Ciuin already has her next submission done.  Her academic writing has had its ups and downs.  She suspects the down may be from writing more than the instructor wanted.

Tyree has a new story published in Sam’s Dot electronic magazine, Fifth Di.


For homework this week, read Tyree’s article on What Editors Want and if possible, watch the movie Medicine Man.  He is going to relate them as an educational exercise this week and wants us to see the movie first.  Please bring to the meeting a list of the conflicts between the two main characters and a list of the characteristics (foibles) that make them human.

–  –  –

A couple weeks ago we featured tools to help you develop the story.  This week, I have been using Pro Writing Aid, a free on-line proofreading tool.  It will identify over-used words, sentences of monotonously same length or excessive length, cliches, repeated phrases, alliteration, and other things you may want to consider changing.  It also highlights dialog tags so you can see at a glance what you used.

It helped me a lot, but became tedious after I changed the major offenses.  My biggest complaint is that it reports too much.  I even tried a better writer’s material with the same result.  The highlighting of repeated common 2-word phrases, 2-word alliterations, etc. (like “to town” or “an apple”) results in clutter that hides the things I want to find and change.  The homonym finder is a nice idea but appears to have no context sensitivity so you see ALL of them.

Does anyone have comments on similar tools?

–  –  –

“It’s commonplace to nitpick on minor faults. But to actually improve on those minor faults – that’s just tedious.”  ~Benson Bruno

Yesterday Mr. Hall wrote that the printer’s proof-reader was improving my punctuation for me, & I telegraphed orders to have him shot without giving him time to pray. ~Mark Twain 1889

Upcoming Schedule

June 7th

Tyree (rescheduled material from last week)
Educational: see above for homework

June 14th


June 21st

Open slot

June 28th

Open slots

Keep Writing,
