Next Noble Pen Meeting
June 12th, 2014 at 7 pm
1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids
The sentiment expressed so far indicates people want to meet on July 3, the day before a holiday weekend. If you have an opinion on that, please express it at the next meeting.
If you ever get famous as a writer, be sure to watch out for marketing rights associated with your books. Harper Lee, well known for her 1960 book To Kill a Mockingbird, has settled a dispute with a museum in her home county over merchandise associated with the title. Your newsletter editor took notice because he has visited that museum.
In a very eventful week:
Tyree sent off the completed Bombay Sapphire.
Dylan received the final printed version of Sand and Blood.
Ciuin had requests to buy copies of Petty Theft which is in late editing, and her other Romany story which is only started. She is making good progress on editing Petty Theft.
Cassie had an epiphany about what had improved in her writing and will go back to fix previous work with better showing of motivation through thoughts and emotions of her characters.
Bill wrote 2500 words on his SF story, although he still doesn’t know where it’s going.
Nick sent a train spotting report to his group.
Every author may dream of having a book on the best-seller lists. The most famous of many such lists are the ones from the NY Times. Publishers Weekly has lists. NPR has one. Amazon has theirs and other organizations publish them.
Making such a list one week will greatly help following sales of that and future books. What goes on behind the scenes to come up with the lists and to get on them? As mentioned in that article, there are sometimes shenanigans, as authors pay dearly for that momentary acclaim that could bring long-term benefits.
Critics point out the defects in relying on best seller lists, and even call for eliminating such lists, which seems unlikely.
One author found that making a best-seller list did not bring financial rewards because her publisher went bankrupt before sending her any royalties.
Upcoming Schedule
June 12th
June 19th
Ciuin (would cede if asked)
June 26th
July 3rd
People seem to want to meet before holiday. Opinion?
Open slots
Keep Writing,