Noble Pen Meeting, July 23, 2009

Noble Pen Meeting

July 23, 2009
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

Stephen King’s first four novels were rejected. “This guy from Maine sent in this novel over the transom,” said Bill Thompson, his former editor at Doubleday. Mr. Thompson, sensing something there, asked to see subsequent novels, but still rejected the next three. However, King withstood the rejection, and Mr. Thompson finally bought the fifth novel, despite his colleague’s lack of enthusiasm, for $2,500. It was called Carrie.
–Noah Lukeman


Welcome Keyron McDermott, who attended her first meeting on the 16th.

Sherry says she really likes us, and we should not take the fact that she sold her house and is moving away at all personal.

Scott attended the Sci-Fi session at the UofI and give us a great rundown last night.

Becky’s last day will be next week. She believes she is all ready to go. Make an offer on her television.

Nick’s house has new paint on it.

Ciuin knocked out two articles Thursday morning–too bad they were due two weeks ago. We were going to give her a special procrastinator’s prize, but it isn’t ready yet.


Once again, this week is the RWA (Romance Writers of America) 29th Annual National Conference. For all the people who can not attend, Lynn Viehl has a list of online events which will coincide with the conference. In addition to these events, she will also be doing her Left Behind and Loving It online conference.

Agent Anne Hawkins talks about why good agents turn down good books.

The New York Times blogger David Proust has found a good reason not to like Amazon’s Kindle–unless you’re a publisher.

Scientists have finally figured out what we’ve known all along. Artists are mentally ill. Nine out of ten Tracy Morgans agree.

Upcoming Critiques

Thursday, July 23th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Quint’s Adventures, email Ciuin Ferrin for a copy.

A Convenient Truth email Ian for a copy.

Thursday, July 30th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Petty Theft revisions from Ciuin

Call of the Beast, Chapter One revised. I will have a copy on my website sometime this week.

Thursday, Aug 6th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Exodus Chapter 8, Nick passed out new copies.

Revelations Section 9, can be found at:

Keep Writing
