Noble Pen Meeting
July 16, 2009
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids
A southern writer named John Kennedy Toole wrote a comic novel about life in New Orleans called A Confederacy of Dunces. It was so relentlessly rejected by publishers that he killed himself. That was in 1969. His mother refused to give up on the book. She sent it out and got it back, rejected, over and over again. At last she won the patronage of Walker Percy, who got it accepted by the Louisiana State University Press, and in 1980 it won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.–Rotten Reviews
Becky is reasonably sure she has a place to live.Ciuin shared some excellent experiences from the city of brotherly love and enjoyed the city’s rich culture. She also got some great information at the Holocaust Museum.
Bill has been replaced by his clone. Don’t let on that we know.
Next week is the RWA (Romance Writers of America) 29th Annual National Conference. For all the people who can not attend, Lynn Viehl has a list of online events which will coincide with the conference. In addition to these events, she will also be doing her Left Behind and Loving It online conference.
Nathan Bransford has a post by Victoria Mixon telling us everything we need to know in 1000 words.
In the obvious news today, a new poll shows women are titillated by romance novels but not so much by reference books.
Upcoming Critiques
Thursday, July 16. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique
Exodus Chapter 7, by Nick. I have two extra copies I will bring next week.
Revelation, Chapters 47-, by Scott Clark. Visit his website at, navigate to the “Publishers” tab, and click on the “NP” button to download copies of this section. If you cannot access his website, email him
Thursday, July 23th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique
Petty Theft, revisions from Ciuin
A Convenient Truth (I got the name right that time,) new chapters from Ian.
Thursday, July 30th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique
Exodus Chapter 8, I’m guessing
Call of the Beast, Chapter One revised.
Keep Writing