Category Archives: Newsletters

This is the weekly newsletters for the Noble Pen Writer’s Group.

The Noble Pen for Apr 22, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant.


Ciuin wrote more on Queen.

Upcoming Schedule

Apr 22

Apr 29

May 6
Open slots

May 13
Open slots

May 20
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Apr 15, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


Ciuin has written ahead of her submission schedule. She may get a job writing for web sites.
Aime was paid for that difficult web site job. She published Prophets with her own art.

Upcoming Schedule

Apr 15

Apr 22

Apr 29
Open slots

May 6
Open slots

May 13
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Apr 8, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


Ciuin and Nick had a good discussion of literary topics and trains.

Upcoming Schedule

Apr 8

Apr 15

Apr 22
Open slots

Apr 29
Open slots

May 6
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Apr 1, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


More of our members are now getting vaccinated, moving us toward eventually meeting in person again.

Upcoming Schedule

Apr 1

Apr 8
Open slots

Apr 15
Open slots

Apr 22
Open slots

Apr 29
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Mar 25, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


Aime heard back from her submission, but did not win the writing contest.
Shannon signed the contract for his piece to be in the collection with better-known authors.

Upcoming Schedule

Mar 25
Bill’s exercise

Apr 1
Open slots

Apr 8
Open slots

Apr 15
Open slots

Apr 22
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Mar 18, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


“Very” tends to be overused in an attempt to beef up weak descriptors. I ran across a listing of better words. They don’t always have the exact connotation you need, but could frequently provide an improvement.


Aime got a royalty check.

Upcoming Schedule

Mar 18

Mar 25
Open slots

Apr 1
Open slots

Apr 8
Open slots

Apr 15
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Mar 11, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


Aime got another web site writing job.
Shannon will have a story in an upcoming collection.

Upcoming Schedule

Mar 11
Shannon (double)

Mar 18
Open slot

Mar 25
Open slots

Apr 1
Open slots

Apr 8
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for March 4, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


Jeff got a rejection for Halfmane, but it was a personalized letter with suggestions, which is rare.
Aime submitted her short story.

Upcoming Schedule

Mar 4
Open slot

Mar 11
Open slots

Mar 18
Open slots

Mar 25
Open slots

Apr 1
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Feb 25, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


Aime’s editorial was published. She edited her short story and gave it a happier ending.

Upcoming Schedule

Feb 25

Mar 4
Open slots

Mar 11
Open slots

Mar 18
Open slots

Mar 25
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Feb 18, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area. The meetings word well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


Aime wrote an editorial that may be published in the Des Moines Register.
Jeff turned in his submission ahead of the deadline.

Upcoming Schedule

Feb 18

Feb 25
Aime ?
Open slot(s)

Mar 4
Open slots

Mar 11
Open slots

Mar 18
Open slots

Keep Writing,