On-line meetings
We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.
“Very” tends to be overused in an attempt to beef up weak descriptors. I ran across a listing of better words. They don’t always have the exact connotation you need, but could frequently provide an improvement.
Aime got a royalty check.
Upcoming Schedule
Mar 18
Mar 25
Open slots
Apr 1
Open slots
Apr 8
Open slots
Apr 15
Open slots
Keep Writing,