Category Archives: Newsletters

This is the weekly newsletters for the Noble Pen Writer’s Group.

The Noble Pen for July 1, 2021

In-person Meeting July 1

We are planning to have an in-person meeting at Vito’s (see website) on 42nd Street NE not far from Edgewood Rd. It is much quieter than the first place we tried, and our old place Scott’s is not open evenings due to a scarcity of staff.

RSVP, please, to get an estimated count.

Discord Server Channel for Noble Pen

Mike has established another way for us to discuss, using the Discord app. If you want to check it out, ask for an invitation link that will let you join.

On-line meetings

If we need to have on-line meetings we will use Zoom, which works well. See prior newsletters for information.


Randy had an article published in a tool journal. Ask him about wood auger bits.
Aime is writing a speech to accept an award for advocacy.

Upcoming Schedule

July 1

July 8

July 15
Open slots

July 22
Open slots

July 29
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for June 24, 2021

In-person Meeting June 24

We are planning to have an in-person meeting at Vito’s (see website) on 42nd Street NE not far from Edgewood Rd. It is much quieter than the first place we tried, and our old place Scott’s is not open evenings due to a scarcity of staff.

RSVP, please, to get an estimated count.

Discord Server Channel for Noble Pen

Mike has established another way for us to discuss, using the Discord app. If you want to check it out, ask for an invitation link that will let you join.

On-line meetings

If we need to have on-line meetings we will use Zoom, which works well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours.


Linn County COVID cases are down to around 10 per day average, which is encouraging.
We found a quieter place to meet in person.
Aime started an outline for the rest of her Democracy story, and started a short story.

Upcoming Schedule

Jun 24

July 1
Open slots

July 8
Open slots

July 15
Open slots

July 22
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for June 17, 2021

In-person outdoor meeting June 17 (weather permitting)

We are planning to have an in-person meeting at Vito’s on 42nd Street near Twin Pines and Edgewood Rd, at outdoor tables on that date, if the weather is suitable.

We are looking for a quieter meeting place. If you have a suggestion, let us know. Last we knew, Scott’s was not open evenings due to lack of staff.

RSVP, please, to get an estimated count.

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours, as they are shortened due to a scarcity of staffing.


Linn County COVID cases are down to around 10 per day average, which is encouraging.
Aime wrote the mission statement and vision statement for her city.

Upcoming Schedule

Jun 17
Open slot

Jun 24
Open slots

July 1
Open slots

July 8
Open slots

July 15
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for June 10, 2021

In-person outdoor meeting June 10 (weather permitting)

We are planning to have an in-person meeting at 30-Hop‘s outdoor tables on that date, if the weather is suitable. In case of bad weather, as happened last week, or an alarming increase in COVID cases per day, we will just Zoom. The restaurant is at 951 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, with an entrance on Rockwell Drive, diagonally across from the Target store.

RSVP, please, to get an estimated count.

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours, as they are shortened due to a scarcity of staffing.


Linn County COVID cases have stayed under 20 per day for the last few weeks, which is encouraging.
We held an outdoor meeting with 8 people.
Aime was asked to write another column for an e-publication.
Nick has been writing train reports.

Upcoming Schedule

Jun 10
Open slot

Jun 17
Open slots

Jun 24
Open slots

July 1
Open slots

July 8
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for June 3, 2021

In-person outdoor meeting June 3 (weather permitting)

We are planning to have an in-person meeting at 30-Hop‘s outdoor tables on that date, if the weather is suitable. In case of bad weather, as happened last week, or an alarming increase in COVID cases per day, we will just Zoom. The restaurant is at 951 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, with an entrance on Rockwell Drive, diagonally across from the Target store.

RSVP, please, to get an estimated count.

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant. Check their hours, as they are shortened due to a scarcity of staffing.


Linn County COVID cases continue to drop, now averaging 11 new per day for the last week, which is encouraging.

Aime was invited to submit more short stories to the e-magazine that took an earlier one. She was tasked to write the city mission statement and vision statement. She also got another web site job to write.

Shannon wrote his bio for the anthology that is publishing one of his stories, and included the blurb for his upcoming book.

Upcoming Schedule

Jun 3
Open slot

Jun 10
Open slots

Jun 17
Open slots

Jun 24
Open slots

July 1
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for May 27, 2021

In-person outdoor meeting May 27 (weather permitting)

We are planning to have an in-person meeting at 30-Hop‘s outdoor tables on that date, if the weather is suitable. In case of bad weather, or an alarming increase in COVID cases per day, we will just Zoom. The restaurant is at 951 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, with an entrance on Rockwell Drive, diagonally across from the Target store.

RSVP, please, to get an estimated count.

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant.


We are attempting an in-person meeting. Linn County COVID cases per day continues to drop, now averaging 16, which is encouraging.
Aime got another web site job to write.

Upcoming Schedule

May 27 – In person if possible
Shannon (double – finishing Merger)

Jun 3
Open slots

Jun 10
Open slots

Jun 17
Open slots

Jun 24
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for May 20, 2021

Possible In-person meeting May 27

We are planning to have an in-person meeting at a pub’s outdoor tables on that date, if a suitable one can be found to accommodate up to a dozen people, and the weather is suitable. In case of bad weather, or an alarming increase in COVID cases per day, we will just Zoom. The place will be announced when determined, and we will want RSVP to get an estimated count.

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant.


We are making progress toward returning to in-person meetings.

Upcoming Schedule

May 20
Open slot

May 27 – In person if possible
Open slots

Jun 3
Shannon? (next to last of Merger)
Open slots

Jun 10
Open slots

Jun 17
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for May 13, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant.


Aime had an editorial published in an on-line magazine. She may have an illustrator for her Prophets story.

Upcoming Schedule

May 13
Open slot

May 20
Open slot

May 27
Open slots

May 27
Open slots

Jun 3
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for May 6, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant.


Amazon is advertising a new distribution method called Kindle Vella, aimed at serial publication of stories.


More vaccination reports are coming in from our participants (but unfortunately new cases in the area are still high).

Upcoming Schedule

May 6

May 13
Open slot

May 20
Open slots

May 27
Open slots

May 27
Open slots

Keep Writing,

The Noble Pen for Apr 29, 2021

On-line meetings

We have gone to on-line meetings while new cases of coronavirus are frequent in the area and people haven’t had a chance to get vaccinated. The meetings work well. To participate, you can use the Zoom app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer with a microphone. Use of a camera is optional. You can also call in with any phone but it would be long-distance if those rates apply to you.
For further details and the meeting ID number, contact us.
In the meantime, if you want a restaurant or take-out meal, it would be good to patronize our usual host, Scott’s Restaurant.


Two more of our participants reported getting vaccinations.

Upcoming Schedule

Apr 29

May 6
Open slot

May 13
Open slots

May 20
Open slots

May 27
Open slots

Keep Writing,