Noble Pen Meeting, December 3rd, 2009

Noble Pen Meeting

December 3rd, 2009
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

Give a man a fire and keep him warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he will be warm for rest of his life.
–Terry Pratchett, Jingo

I have tried to respect history and geography wherever doing so served my purposes as a novelist, but wherever it did not I have, cheerfully or with regret, ignored them
–Michael Chabon, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Author’s Note


As of the writing of this email, I have Nanoed 46,000 words and have three days left. I also sent out some query letters and got some uncomplicated rejections, one of which said, I was “too far out there.” They don’t know the half of it.

Also, I saw Max Allen Collins last weekend at Mystery Cat Books. I put myself on their waiting list so I can be more pro-active in getting out information about their guests so we can support our local bookstore.

George’s dreams of becoming a real employee may be coming true. But every time he uses windows, his nose grows.


Last week, I found Genreality, a multi-author blog focusing on making schlubs like us better writers.

That was quick. Barnes and Noble has already sold it’s holiday supply of Nooks.

Who says guilds are useless. The RWA got Harlequin to take the Harlequin name off of their horribly ill-conceived vanity press branch.

Upcoming Schedule

Thursday, December 3rd. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Shannon – Hard Luck, Chapter Eight. I should have this on my website by tomorrow night, or email me.

Ciuin – email her. I believe we’re looking at more Petty Theft rewrites?

The Future is wide open

See, I used a line that is a lyrics in a Tom Petty song, but I didn’t link to a youtube video of that song. I really don’t know why.

Keep Writing
