Noble Pen Meeting, December 10th, 2009

Noble Pen Meeting

December 10th, 2009
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

One could write a history of science in reverse by assembling the solemn pronouncements of highest authority about what could not be done and could never happen.
–Robert A. Heinlein

I have never experienced another human being. I have experienced my impressions of them.
–Robert Anton Wilson


George has read enough books with penguins on the cover that he can now receives a discount on Penguin books.

Ciuin finished a huge thick book.

I finished Nanowrimo, and I am now going to take some time off and read for a change.

Ian tricked his students by copying his last quiz questions directly from the homework with no changes. His students now have a new name for him.

News has a list of their favorite book covers of the year.

Behold the Sports Illustrated of the future.

The agent’s assistant known online as the Rejectionist gives us a look at the slush pile.

Upcoming Schedule

Thursday, December 10th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Shannon – Hard Luck, Chapter Eight. On my website  or email me.

Empty slot. I invoke a round table discussion. Topic is electronic publishing and promotion–blogs, podcasts, e-readers, and Scribd-like sites.

Keep Writing
