In-person Meeting July 8
We are planning to have an in-person meeting at Vito’s (see website) on 42nd Street NE not far from Edgewood Rd. Our old place Scott’s is not open evenings due to a scarcity of staff.
RSVP, please, to get an estimated count.
Discord Server Channel for Noble Pen
Mike has established another way for us to discuss, using the Discord app. If you want to check it out, ask for an invitation link that will let you join.
On-line meetings
If we need to have on-line meetings we will use Zoom, which works well. See newsletters from June for information.
Aime wrote a short story in an hour and entered it in a contest.
Randy sold 6 books at his tool collector meet.
Upcoming Schedule
July 8
July 15
Open slots
July 22
Open slots
July 29
Open slots
Aug 5
Open slots
Keep Writing,