The Noble Pen for Jan 18, 2018

Next Noble Pen Meeting

January 18th, 2018 at 7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


Should Noble Pen organize a booth for area writers at CR’s summer farmers’ markets?  The idea was discussed at our meeting.  If you want to get involved in organizing it, let us know.


The ability to produce meat without killing animals has been demonstrated, using laboratory-grown animal cells, with hope of commercializing it.  Might there be a story in that to be written about the social impact?

Star Trek has always shown concern for the social foundations of society (recall the early episode on white-black versus black-white?) and what makes us human (the Borg?), as well as suggesting technological ideas.  A new book explores how Treknology has influenced and may continue to influence us both technologically and socially.


Ciuin wrote on Chessmaster.


The “blurb” testimonials usually seen on the back covers of books are a common marketing device, intended to convince the reader that this is a book worth reading.   The word blurb was coined in 1907. A search for the terms blurb request will find many articles about getting people to help you by writing them.

Noelle Sterne has some thoughts about gathering testimonials.  Here’s another view, saying the blurbs are a small factor in readers choices but still worthwhile.  Best-selling authors get too many requests to comply unless you have some  connection to them.  More advice on requesting a blurb.

Upcoming Schedule

January 18
Aime: 10-minute educational
Stacie S.

January 25

February 1
Stacie S.  10-minute educational
Stacy H

February 8
Stacie S

February 15
Open slots

Keep Writing,