Next Noble Pen Meeting
July 27th, 2017 at 7 pm
Scott’s Family Restaurant
1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids
Thirty area authors, including some from Noble Pen, will participate in a book signing at Lindale Mall on Saturday August 5.
Back in April, reports circulated that a time capsule had been found, possibly placed by science fiction pioneer Jules Verne. (Although the term time capsule was not in use in his day.) A search for more recent news turns up little, so it seems likely it was not as hoped. If you hear of any news, let us know.
Dakota participated in a book signing and sold 30 books. The event raised $8k in admissions for a charity.
Shannon finished the first draft of a story.
Dylan has written Second Hand Dresses up to “the difficult middle”.
Ciuin wrote and submitted part of a new story.
Aime wrote a speech.
Interesting sentences are building blocks of readable stories. Gary Lutz, after some personal background, discusses what makes interesting sentences. He finds a lot of depth in simple words. An old article discusses great sentences. Some editors have selected what they think are the 10 best sentences in literature, and tell you why.
We’ve seen recommendations for a book called It Was the Best of Sentences, It Was the Worst of Sentences. It uses humorous-by-exaggeration examples to make you more aware of subtle problems you might be having in your sentences.
Upcoming Schedule
July 27
August 3
August 10
August 17
Open slots
August 24
Open slots
Keep Writing,