The Noble Pen for June 15, 2017

Next Noble Pen Meeting

Jun 15th, 2017 at 7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


Alan Alda discusses the need to be clear and his book about failures to communicate.


Randy’s book now has three reviews, all five-star .  It was selected for a local book club to read and he will discuss it at their meeting.

Shannon was asked to write a short story for an anthology.


The site Creative Writing Forums is a place for writers to discuss techniques, problems, etc. and do critiques of short segments of writing.  It seems fairly civilized.  Some participation and two weeks of membership are required before you can post anything to receive critique.

If you’re looking for more elbows to rub against, want to see how others do critique,  or want to discuss writing with a wide group, give it or other forums a try.  It is a good place to practice giving critiques anonymously and to compare your observations to others’.

Recognize that anything you post to a forum with unrestricted membership has been published (even if it is later deleted), so restrict your submissions to excerpts or practice pieces that you will never try to sell.

If you have other sites to recommend, let us know.


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.  Art is knowing which ones to keep.  ~Scott Adams

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Jun 15
Grammar exercise

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Keep Writing,