The Noble Pen for Apr 27, 2017

Next Noble Pen Meeting

April 27th, 2017 at 7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


Here’s an article on how the dictionary evolves.


Randy has three sections done for his author web site.

Clay bought a printer to use for his writing.

Dakota has the final cover for her book that will release in June.


Successful authors sometimes give advice.  Brain Pickings has collected this list from David Ogilvy, one from playwright Henry Miller, and several other authors.


Writers are generally advised to avoid semicolons outside of academic work.  You can always get along without them.  Here’s an explanation of how they might be correctly used.  This forum discussion considers when a semicolon might be appropriate and where famous authors have used them.

Upcoming Schedule

Apr 27
Exercise led by Riley (carried over)

May 4
Open slot

May 11
Open slots

May 18
Open slots

May 25
Open slots

Keep Writing,