Next Noble Pen Meeting
November 10th, 2016 at 7 pm
Scott’s Family Restaurant
1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids
A recent NY Times article lists science fiction stories, old and new, that reflect serious ideas about the effects artificial intelligence might have on society.
Some of our group have used the computers and printers at the Kirkwood Training Outreach Services (KTOS) facility on Armar drive, and should be aware that it is closing in December.
Nick received a rejection and submitted his story elsewhere. He is editing again on the Knight story.
Cassie attended a convention and sold books.
Dylan had a better reading session at the convention than in the past and sold books. A well-published author approved of his work and said he had fixed earlier problems. He will participate in a panel on the writing craft at the West Branch library on Saturday.
Stacy revised three chapters.
Randy received two more rejections and set a deadline of next Thursday for sending his book out for editing.
Dakota edited all weekend and finished all markups from her readers.
Cassie’s book came out on Tuesday and is getting good ratings.
Stories can be written using any of several points of view. See the links in the article on Omniscient for details on others as well.
Third person talks about Joe, Nancy, he, and she. In third person Omniscient POV the narration has access to all information including characters’ thoughts and even things they don’t know. This once-popular form is relatively uncommon in today’s fiction.
The most common today is probably close third-person, also known as deep third person, where the story is told following one character at a time, showing what they see and knowing their thoughts, but not intermixing things they do not know. It resembles first person in this aspect but uses third-person sentence construction
First person POV is popular in recent stories, especially young adult. It is written as “I went there and I did that” as if the character is talking to you. In this POV, the reader has full access to one character’s thoughts and experiences, but no one else’s,
Second person addresses the reader as “you.” In fiction it is rather uncommon, and some people find it obnoxious. It is natural for self-help and instruction books.
A story can be told from multiple points of view. However, once you start a scene, in most genres you are expected to have a scene break or new chapter when changing to a different character’s POV. Frequent changes are known as “head hopping” and are discouraged, except they are more common and accepted in a romance genre.
Upcoming Schedule
Nov 10
Nov 17
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Thanksgiving – no meeting
Dec 1
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Keep Writing,