The Noble Pen for May 1, 2014

Next Noble Pen Meeting

May 1st, 2014 at 7 pm

Scott’s Family Restaurant

1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids


A study in the UK found that going to the library regularly was among the activities that did as much for a person’s well-being as getting a raise.


Ciuin has written 1,000 words or more per day recently.  Unfortunately she lost the file for a good chapter.

Janice found a full-time job in the field she wanted, so with more regular hours will be better able to schedule writing time.

Aimee heard from her collaborator, so there is progress on their story.


The ending of a story is the payoff, and the reader wants the payoff to be worth having read it all.  Larry Brooks talks about structuring the story for a killer ending.  Vicki Hinze discusses how to wrap it up.  Here’s Laura Miller’s take on what makes a great ending.  And some more tips on endings.

It’s important to get it right.  Remember, Hemingway wrote 39 endings to Farewell to Arms.

Nobody reads a (novel) to get to the middle.  They read it to get to the end.  If it’s a let down, they won’t buy anymore.  The first page sells that book.. The last page sells your next book. ~ Mickey Spillane

Upcoming Schedule

May 1st
Janice (canceled)

May 8th
Open slot

May 15th
Open slots

May 22nd
Open slots

Keep Writing,