Next Noble Pen Meeting
November 29th, 2012 at 7 pm
Scott’s Family Restaurant
1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids
Most employers are giving their people a four-day weekend to work on their writing. So as to not interfere with that, we will not meet on Thanksgiving Day.
Please check the review schedule as given below and let me know if it needs to change.
Welcome to Janice, who found the group.
Tyree got a lot of good research info about the airplane used in his story. He had a good trip to the Memphis ComiCon and talked with three publishers who asked him to submit. His proudest moment there was when Mickey Zucher Reichert, a major writer of SF&F, told him she loved his book she had bought in a prior meeting.
Dylan found a beta reader for his weekly serial. He finished a story. His work sold enough on Amazon that he got a check.
Nick finished an edit pass on his sci fi story.
Ciuin presented at two conferences and was asked to write two articles on presentation of Romani in museums. One would be in a scholarly magazine that will look very good on a resume. She visited the Holocaust Museum in Skokie where she gave them several historical corrections to their displays and met the curator. She will write something for their use. And she got the long-awaited feedback on Petty Theft from her editor, with several good suggestions.
Writers Digest offers some lists:
What Bestsellers Do Differently Than Everyone Else
Top 10 Ways to Stay True to Yourself in Publishing
Top 10 Pieces of Advice for Writers
And, finally, a lighthearted look at distractions from writing.
Upcoming Schedule
Nov 22nd
Thanksgiving – no meeting
Nov 29th
Dec 6th
Tyree (unless others need slot)
Ciuin ?
Dec 13th
Open slots
Open slots
Keep Writing,