The Salmon Spawning Noble Pen Newsletter, January 27th, 2011

Noble Pen Meeting

January 27th, 2011
Scott’s Family Restaurant
1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

A cut from the cloth of the Kennedy’s
Frank Sinatra having dinner with the Genovese
This is the genesis of a nemesis
Mother America’s not witnessing

-Jay-Z, “Pray


Dylan never heard back from an anthology he submitted to, but he’s considering the lack of his name in the Table of Contents to be a clue.

Aoife’s Kiss is now 50,000 words. Tyree is still unemployed. If you call being the managing editor of a small press unemployed, which, lets be honest, most people probably do.


NPRs Ira Glass talks about storytelling. One thing I found interesting: instead of using the words “Scene” and “Summary,” he uses “Anecdote” and “Reflection.”

Ricky Gervais said something profound about comedy which relates to writing in general. “You do your own thing, and then you see if you survive…if you’re trying to change it to make people like you, you’re finished.”

Upcoming Schedule

January 27th
(4) Shannon
(4) Ciuin
Something Educational — I guess I got this one.

Feb 3rd
(5) Nick
(5) Mark
(5) Shannon

Feb 10th
(5) Kris
(5) Tony
(5) Kelly

Feb 17th
(6) Tyree
(6) Kris
(6) Bob

Feb 24th
(6) Dylan
(6) Bill
(6) Shannon

March 1st
(6) Ciuin
(6) Mark
(6) Nick

Keep Writing, Penites.
