Noble Pen Meeting, January 28, 2010

Noble Pen Meeting

January 28, 2010
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

No story unit–not even a paragraph–ought to begin and end with the state of affairs exactly the same. Even the falling of a leaf should, implicitly or explicitly, bring into focus the subtle variation of feeling tone that it engenders. Always, there must be some new fragment of fact or though implied or stated; some fresh development, some growth of insight, some hint of fluctuation in relationship.
–Dwight Swain, Techniques of the Selling Writer


We now have two Bills. Welcome the second Bill.

Dylan got an honorable mention in Boing Boing’s writing contest. You can find his Noir Peter Pan story here. Too bad Hollywood never has such good ideas. Did you hear they’re making Milton Bradley’s Battleship: the Movie. Seriously.

Nick has been hard at work preparing a new masterpiece for us. I bet his story isn’t based on a board game. But oddly, it does star Tim Curry.

George is meeting his writing goals writing an article a day on his website. I used to do that, but most of my articles were under ten words and contained heavy profanity.

Upcoming Schedule

Thursday, January 28. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Ciuin – Email her for a copy

Dylan – Email him for copy.

Thursday, February 4th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique


Keep Writing, Penites.
