Monthly Archives: May 2011

The Dyspeptically Peppered Noble Pen Newsletter, June 2nd, 2011

Noble Pen Meeting

June 2nd, 2011
Scott’s Family Restaurant
1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

This is it. This is the answer. It says here that a bolt of lightning is gonna strike the clock tower precisely at 10:04 p.m. next Saturday night. If we could somehow harness this bolt of lightning, channel it into the flux capacitor, it just might work. Next Saturday night, we’re sending you back to the future.

–Doctor Emmett Brown, Back to the Future


Nyx IV has begun. High body counts are expected.

Tony has had ideas about Tunnels.

Kris completed another illustration to her book; a scary, scary, illustration. I haven’t seen it. I don’t want to. It’s that scary.


Kurt Vonngut on a chalkboard.

An interesting interview with Mary DeMuth.

Upcoming Schedule

June 2nd
(12) Nick
(12) Ciuin
(12) Tyree Kelly?

June 9th
(12) Kris
(12) Tony

June 16th
(12) Shannon
(12) Dylan

June 23rd

June 30th (Possibly bumped for 4th of July weekend)
(13) Shannon
(13) Dylan

Keep Writing, Penites.


The Degerundified and Disparticipipulated Noble Pen Newsletter, May 26th, 2011

Noble Pen Meeting

May 26th, 2011
Scott’s Family Restaurant
1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

We live in an age where illness and deformity are commonplace, and yet, Ploppy, you are, without a doubt, the most repulsive individual I have ever met. I would shake your hand, but I fear it would come off.



Nyx 3 is done, and somehow, this has stopped the rapture.

Tony wrote another 1700 words of St. Lucy’s in 1 day. Many of them are good.

Kelly is graduating from Mt. Mercy on Sunday. This is all I can think of.

Ciuin has finished school for the year and she’s starting a new novel. She got an A in Creative Writing. Also, or reasons which cannot be discussed here, she received a generous out-of-court settlement from Adventureland–no livestock was harmed.


Slate explains why punctuation makes no sense.

Here are some open university classes on writing.

Agent Jennifer Laughran has some information on word counts for younger readers.

Upcoming Schedule

May 26th
(11) Kelly Tyree
(11) Shannon R

June 2nd
(12) Nick
(12) Ciuin
(12) Tyree Kelly

June 9th
(12) Kris
(12) Tony

June 16th
(12) Shannon R
(12) Dylan

Keep Writing, Penites.

Shannon R

The Positively Gerunding Noble Pen Newsletter, May 19th, 2011

Noble Pen Meeting

May 19th, 2011
Scott’s Family Restaurant
1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

He had a collection of science-fiction films on DVD and Blu-ray discs, and although he said he’d seen most of them before, Caitlin was surprised to discover how many of the cases were still shrink-wrapped. “Why’d you buy them if you weren’t going to watch them?” she asked.

He looked at the tall, thin cabinets that contained the movies and seemed to ponder the question. “My childhood was on sale,” he said at last, “so I bought it.”

— Robert Sawyer (WWW: Watch)


Nyx is almost to the last chapter. Will she ever get to take her vacation?

Ciuin finished her final final. Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo.

One of my beta-readers started reading my novel. However, I have in on good authority that he has been side-tracked by a Friday 13th marathon.

Shannon 2  The second Shannon Female Shannon Shannon M joined us this week.


Forget witty headlines. They aren’t searchable. Which reminds me, I’ve decided to rename “Fangs for Nothing” to “Funny Vampire Beta-Male Story with Cross-Dressing and Slight Homo-Erotic Undertones.” I may call the sequel “Funny Vampire Beta-Male Story with Cross-Dressing and Slight Homo-Erotic Undertones 2.”

As you may have guessed from the quote above, I am currently reading Robert J. Sawyer’s WWW series. In case you did’t hear me the first 100 times I mentioned it, he’s got a nice section of writing tips on his website.

Upcoming Schedule

May 19th
(11) Kris
(11) Tony

May 26th
(11) Kelly Tyree
(11) Shannon R

June 2nd
(12) Nick
(12) Ciuin
(12) Tyree Kelly

June 9th
(12) Kris
(12) Tony

June 16th
(12) Shannon R
(12) Dylan

Keep Writing, Penites.

Shannon R

The Needle Hoarding Noble Pen Newsletter, May 12th, 2011

Noble Pen Meeting

May 12th, 2011
Scott’s Family Restaurant
1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

Success comes to a writer as a rule, so gradually that it is always something of a shock to him to look back and realize the heights to which he has climbed.
–P. G. Wodehouse


Dylan sent out one story and got a rejection from another one. And he finished another commission. And he’s taking over the website. I don’t think he sleeps.

Tyree has conquered sodium. It is scheduled to be removed from the Periodic Table on Thursday.

Tony wrote 1000 words on the next installment of St. Lucy. Yes, there is a joke in there, but it’s much too dirty for Tony.

I went to DemiCon and hung out with some cool authors. They also don’t want to be my beta-readers.


From Galleycat comes the top 10 professions of romance story heroes. I hope you’re paying attention Kelly.

Here’s a guide on how to request a blurb.

Upcoming Schedule

May 12th
(11) Ciun
(11) Dylan

May 19th
(11) Kris
(11) Tony

May 26th
(11) Kelly
(11) Shannon

Keep Writing, Penites.
