Noble Pen Meeting, August 27th, 2009

Noble Pen Meeting

August 27th, 2009
Happy Chef, 1906 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids

Some editors are failed writers, but so are most writers.
-T.S. Eliot

Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.
-Mae West


I finally broke down and joined facebook. This guy is my new friend.

Ciuin made a new friend too. I gather it was something like this.


Dan Brown’s Lost Symbol will come out on Kindle the same day the hardcover is released and the electronic copy will be $6.18 cheaper. 1.34 seconds after they first Kindle copy ships, it will be available for free download, but unlike the $9.99 Kindle version, you will be able to read it on anything and share it with your friends.

Forbes advances the theory that the Blackberry device is a present-day version of the Star Trek communicator. Now I want one of those axe things from Amok Time, which actually become central to one of my books that none of you have read.

Upcoming Critiques

Thursday, Aug 27th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Petty Theft 6 by Ciuin

Ian – Some more Convenient Truth

Thursday, Sept 3rd. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

End of the Gypsy Trail  by Ciuin

Something by Adam

Thursday, Sept 10th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Quint #2 by Ciuin

Free slot

Thursday, Sept 17th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Hard Luck by Shannon, Chapter One and Two

Open Slot

Thursday, Sept 24th. Happy Chef, 7pm Welcome and Victories, 7:30pm Critique

Free and clear as of this point. Reserve your space now.

Keep Writing
